Submit your manuscript in WORD format (.doc) extension. PDF files are not accepted.

Your manuscript should be in 12-point Times Roman font, single spaced.

Authors should be listed by first name, then middle initial, if any, followed by last name and separated by commas. Use superscript numbers to link affiliations, and symbols *†‡ for author notes.

Please use the asterisk (*) symbol for the corresponding author information.


Organize the content of your manuscript file in 2 main parts as follows:

Part 1- Scientific Research

Title Page (article title, author names with credentials and institutional affiliations including city and state)

Abstract (The maximum lenght is 150 words; Abstract should contain no references )

Key words, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments, Authorship Contributions, Tables, List of figures with captions, Figures, References

Part 2- know-how transfer

The Problem solved  should be clearly defined

Fully description of the methodology used

Description of the technology and know-how required for the sucessfull transfer

Description of all steps required to achieve marketability.

Manuscripts that do not fulfill these requirements will be returned without review.


Submitting your manuscript

Authors and reviewers must have an account to sign into our  portal at Only manuscripts submitted through our website are accepted. Manuscripts send by email are rejected.

Submission details: 

1- Login    2- select kfokam-platform   
3- select upload  4- click on  ADD NEW 

Fill in : Title, select file, choose your category,
description (abstract), and click on  ADD. You are done.